Greg Hollander
I have been working on cars since I was a kid learning from my older brother (Tom – El Camino – Class of 1960). We ended up having 3 Chevron stations during the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. I still work on cars, especially hot rods. I got into the reunion business in 1988 and got involved in our 20 Year Reunion in 1990. I retired in 2012 from the reunion business.

I am married, have 3 kids and 4 grandkids and 1 great grandkid. My wife and twin daughters all worked with me in the reunion business. My wife passed in 2007 from cancer. Now I have fun with the grandkids who race BMX, play basketball, and whatever else is fun. I get to play quarterback with my grandson, get my nails colored by my granddaughter and go shopping with them.

This is your chance to reconnect with some long-lost friends you used to hang out with back in the day. Hope to see you at the 52 Year Reunion!!!!!
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