Douglas Burr
Greeting from the Wilds of Idaho!! Actually, no. We live in the Seaport of Idaho, elevation 480 feet, along side the Snake River where you can golf nearly all year long. Yet, there are seasons here, unlike Sacramento, where you know it's winter when the Christmas lights go up.

After leaving AR and Humboldt State I sought my fortune in Oregon and Idaho. I never found my financial fortune but I did pick up a pretty good wife (42 years strong), three children, and many dogs and cats. We currently have four black labs to entertain us. I don't like long walks on the beach to ponder my emotions but I do like a quiet sit on the porch with a glass of merlot while listening to the thump of a satisfied dog tail on the ground at my feet.

I won't make it to your shindig. Have a great time and make sure you wash your hands.

P.S. I may be attending in 2022 after all. Undecided.
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(800) 965-9020
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